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Historic Pictures

A selection of images taken by Henry Armytage Sanders. 

These are from the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association Collection at the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

Soldier Video Stories

New Zealanders Leslie Averill, Reginald Hird, Clive Mortimer-Jones, Arthur Daw and Robert Kennedy were all in and around Le Quesnoy on the 4th of November 1918. See their stories here.

Watch a short story about Leslie Averill.

Watch a short story about Reginald Hird.

Watch a short story about Reverend Clive Mortimer-Jones.

Watch a short story about Arthur Daw and Robert Kennedy.


The Liberation of Le Quesnoy

The doco tells the story of the New Zealand Division that, during WW1, liberated the German occupied town of Le Quesnoy without any loss of life to the civilian population.  The people of Le Quesnoy have never forgotten the events of the 4th November 1918. This documentary also talks about the New Zealand Division’s contribution to WWI previous to Le Quesnoy, and tells the personal stories of soldiers who were at Le Quesnoy through their descendants.

Please note this is available to viewers in New Zealand only.

Le Quesnoy - The Legacy of Liberation

42 mins

View on Vimeo

Filmed at the centenary in Nov 2018, this is the story of the daring liberation of a small French village by New Zealand soldiers, in the last week of WW1, and the aroha the village still has for New Zealand. A lovely human story, with a sneaky history lesson just for good measure.

Le Quesnoy Pictures

A selection of images of modern day Le Quesnoy.

Le Quesnoy Videos

The town and the people who love New Zealand.

ANZAC Day 2022 in Le Quesnoy

Every year the town of Le Quesnoy remembers their New Zealand liberators of yesteryear, their own who died in WWI, and celebrate the friendships of today, in an ANZAC Day ceremony.

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