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Travelling to Northern France and Belgium

Remembrance in Hauts-de-France

Hauts-de-France is, arguably, the French region that has been the most affected by conflicts.


The Last Post Association

A daily tribute to the fallen: Information about the Last Post Ceremony, held every night at the Menin Gate Memorial.


La Carrière Wellington

Enter one of the most secret places of military history, and discover a real underground town, where more than 20.000 soldiers of the Commonwealth prepared the largest surprise attack of World War I.


The Commonwealth War Graves Commission

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission site holds information on every cemetery and every soldier within it.


Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

Information on the Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 in Zonnebeke.


The Lantern Slide Collection

Find out more about New Zealand’s memorials at Chunuk Bair, Longueval, Messines, Gravenstafel and Le Quesnoy.


The Online Cenotaph

This database holds the information for every New Zealand person who served in conflict.


Le Quesnoy Township

The site for the township of Le Quesnoy.


Historial de la Grande Guerre

‘History of the Great War’ comprises two museums – the museum at Péronne on the River Somme, and the Thiepval Memorial commemorating the Missing of the Somme. The Historial website also provides links for other sites to visit:


Le Musée de la Grande Guerre du Pays de Meaux

The Museum of the Great War in Meaux, France (just outside Paris) has some collection material available for viewing online.


In Flanders Field Museum

Innovative museum at Ypres dedicated to the Belgian battlefields and those who lost their lives there, all nationalities, miltary and civilian. The site includes information on collections.

New Zealand History

Fast Facts – New Zealand: The First World War from Auckland War Memorial Museum

A  1 minute 45 second animation explaining the fast facts of WWI.


Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI) – the online knowledge basket

The Ministry of Education, the National Library’s Services to Schools and the WW100 Programme Office have worked together to develop these resources to help students gain insights into the First World War.


Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand 

‘Te ara’ in Māori means ‘the pathway’ and this encyclopedia offers many pathways to understanding New Zealand. This section is about New Zealand’s World War I history.


New Zealand History

This site is produced by the Research and Publishing Group of the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Manatū Taonga.


New Zealand Archives

Archives New Zealand – research guides for World War I.


The WWI Centenary

New Zealand’s WWI centenary site.


National Library of New Zealand

A guide to using the National Library resources on WWI.


National Library of New Zealand

National Library’s WW100 resources.


Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision –  New Zealand’s sound and moving image history.

New Zealand’s audiovisual archive. Their purpose is to hold our nation’s audiovisual heritage in safe keeping and make it widely accessible.


The Lantern Slide Collection

Find out more about New Zealand’s memorials at Chunuk Bair, Longueval, Messines, Gravenstafel and Le Quesnoy.


Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and the Australian National Film and Sound Archive

Australian and New Zealand audio-visual material from WWI from Nga Taonga Sound & Vision and the Australian National Film and Sound Archive. There is also a short audio clip from Leslie Averill in 1958 talking about the liberation of Le Quesnoy:


The Passchendaele Society

The New Zealand Passchendaele Society has a wealth of information about New Zealand’s darkest day.


Auckland War Memorial Museum’s Online Cenotaph

A national initiative, Online Cenotaph is a biographical database that allows researchers, enthusiasts, and veterans and their families to explore, contribute to, and share the records and stories of those who served for Aotearoa New Zealand.


New Zealand War Graves Trust

Photographs, research and background information about New Zealanders who died in WWI.


The Capture of Le Quesnoy

A detailed account of the event and the soldiers involved by Terry Snow.


New Zealand Electronic Text Collection

New Zealand Electronic Text Centre’s WW1 digitised books.

New Zealand Military History Museums

National Army Museum

Unique collections, military exhibits, Army memorabilia and public research material.


The Air Force Museum of Zealand

The national museum for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) and New Zealand military aviation.


Torpedo Bay Navy Museum

The National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy.


Pukeahu National War Memorial

A national place for New Zealanders to remember and reflect on this country’s experience of war, military conflict and peacekeeping.


Auckland War Memorial Museum

Auckland War Memorial Museum holds one of New Zealand’s top three heritage libraries.


Te Papa – Gallipoli: The Scale of Our War

This ground-breaking exhibition at Te Papa with Wētā Workshop tells the story of the Gallipoli campaign in World War I through the eyes and words of eight ordinary New Zealanders.

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